the disrupted library

A group of revolutionaries enter the archives of a former America. As they sift through the filing cabinets, examining fragments of an American past, its mythologies, and its foundational events, they begin to uncover pieces of unofficial records and of their own personal histories.

With the nexus of unexpected histories intersecting on Governors Island as its backdrop, The Disrupted Library explores the ways in which the individual is enmeshed within the fabric of history, and how the personal can disrupt official narratives. Through a site-specific unarchiving process, the piece questions the legacy of the American Revolution and evokes the vast geographies that are entangled with the American project.

This piece was made possible by New York City Artists Corps. It was presented as part of Mycelial Artist Collective’s residency showcase at Beam Center’s The Lighthouse on Governors Island July 30th through August 1st 2021.

See more here and here.

Belmont or These Kinds of Dreams


Belmont Or These Kinds of Dreams is a short film on cultural identity and its implications on our relationship to place and our capacity to envision alternative modes of social organization. Through a meandering examination of the town where I grew up, but am not from, and a series of interviews with my mother, this film traces an archive of my experience in quarantine and touches on questions of cultural alienation, the American dream, and the possibility of revolutionary change. The film was developed during my time at EMERGENYC and premiered at the OC Film Fiesta in October 2020.


La Caravana de los Misterios

La Caravana de los Misterios is a documentary play framed within a life-sized shadow box that reconstructs three instances of American intervention in Central America during the drug war.